티스토리 뷰

※ Please set the application to "Battery charge sound alert" as a power saving exception app.

For LG smartphones with Android OS 7.0 or later, the app will not work properly when entering sleep mode.

Please set the "Battery charge sound alert" app to the non-sleep target app as follows!

1. Select [Settings]> [Battery].

2. Please select the 'Power saving exclusions' item.

3. Locate the 'Battery charge sound alert' app and turn it on (set it up)

The above setting method is based on LG - G7 setting UI.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reply or email me at.

e-mail: ddolcatmaster@gmail.com

[Battery charge sound alert]

Download Google Market: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ddolcatmaster.mypowermanagement
